Raja Bheemsen’s jealously

For eight years Guru Gobindrai stayed at Anandpur Sahib after descending on the throne of Guru. During this period he systematically transformed Sikhs into soldiers. Anandpur Sahib became a fort town and it appeared like a cantonment as the faithfuls became arms carrying uniformed warriors.
Guru Gobindrai got a big nagara drum made and installed on the fort. The drum beats served the same purpose as the bugles do, to regulate the activities of the soldiers. It was called ‘Ranjeet Nagara’ which literally meant ‘victory drum’. It was truly the symbol of the militarisation of the Sikhs.
Guru Gobindrai had got it installed on the fort inspite of the protests of Masands (Sikh preachers) who wanted to keep Sikhism a spiritual exercise. The fact was that over the years Masands had become easy going and luxury loving priests. Guru Gobindrai’s warrior activities were undermining their importance in the hierarchy. So, many of them complained to Mata Gujri against the installation of the nagara.
So, one day Mata Gujri said to Guru Gobind, “Son, we are people of religion. We meditate, sing prayers and lead the life as taught by the holy message of Guru Nanak Sahib. Why all these soldierly things like nagara-vagara? We are not going to fight any battle. Why are you raising the army?”
Guru Gobind said, “Respected mother! The true Guru commands me to defend saints, ascetics and the poor. The tyrannical rulers must be replied in their own coin. I must transform Sikhs into a martial race of dauntless soldiers who will hold the sword in their hands and the holy name of Guru on their lips. That is what I am doing.”
It silenced Mata Gujri.
The young Guru had started calling himself, ‘Gobind Singh’ in place of the given name ‘Gobindrai.’ ‘Singh’ in vernacular language means ‘Lion’, the symbol of bravery and aggression. It indicated the soldierly mindset of the new Guru.
Raja Bheem Chand of the nearby state ‘Bilaspur’ kept track of the developments at Anandpur Sahib. The militarisation of Sikhs was not a good news for him. The installation of nagara caused fear in his mind. Infact, most of the hill kings did not like the rise of the Sikhs because their faith stood for the equality of all human beings. The hill kings were staunch perpetuaters of caste systems and other orthodox customs. It kept them in power and the lower castes remained pinned down to the ground.
Raja consulted his Vazir who was a wise man. He allayed the fears of the ruler and said they had no reason to fear Guru Gobind Singh. He advised the Raja to strike friendship with Sikhs for which he should go to Anandpur Sahib to meet the young Guru. Raja agreed to do that.
He did go to Anandpur Sahib where he was received with due honour. He talked to Guru Gobind Singh for quite some time and they decided to continue the formal talks next day. The follow up meeting had been arranged in a magnificent tent. The shamiana tent had been presented to Guru Sahib by Dunichand, a Sikh disciple of Kabul. It had beautiful needle work embellishments which greatly impressed Raja Bheem Chand. He felt jealous of Guru’s splendour. Then, he saw a grand jumbo that was superbly trained. That fine elephant was a present to Guru from Raja Ratanrai of Assam.
Raja Bheem Chand was a mean and greedy character. He wanted to usurp those two handsome and precious gifts somehow. His scheming mind began to think of tricks to deprive Guru of those two things.
Then, the chance presented itself. Bilaspur Raja’s son Ajmer Chand got engaged to the daughter of the Raja Fateh Shah of Garhwal. Raja Bheem Chand went to Guru Gobind Singh and tried to borrow the shamiana and the elephant for the marriage. Guru Gobind Singh could read the mind of Raja. Greedy Raja was not going to return those items. Guru made it clear to the Raja that Sikh Gaddi had no tradition of giving away items gifted to it by the faithfuls. They were heritage things, he said. Raja got up in a huff and departed feeling dishonoured.
As soon as he reached his capital town Bilaspur he sent a threatening letter to Guru Gobind Singh that if he did not gift the magnificent elephant to him he would take their possession forcibly. Raja wrote that his army would raid Anandpur Sahib and drive away Guru Gobind and his mob from there. Guru did not yield.
Some other hill kings warned Bheem Chand not to take any step against Guru Gobind Singh. Thus, the immediate confrontation was averted. But there still were other hill chieftains who hated Sikhs and Guru Gobind Singh because they were arousing the passions of the lower castes. Under the Sikh influence the lower castes were demanding better treatment and equal rights. So, it was a foregone conclusion that the hill kings would make trouble for Guru sooner or later.
In Anandpur Sahib Guru Gobind Singh exercised his body regularly to make it stout and strong. He did not add fat. He remained beautifully slim yet was strong as steel. Gobind Singh was incredibly handsome young man. His exercise regimen would start before sunrise. He would take care of the needs of his disciples as well. Then, some prayer singing would be gone through and the arms training started. And thus came up the Sikh army.

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