Raja Jai Singh

Shivaji’s campaigns worried Aurangzeb. He knew that Shivaji had to be tamed.
For this task, now Aurangzeb sought the services of Mogul empire’s most loyal soldier, Raja Jai Singh. As all Muslim commanders had failed he wanted to try Hindu commander. Raja was a shrewd military brain.
Aurangzeb duly honoured Raja Jai Singh and formally gave him the task of tackling Shivaji to him.
One 30th September, 1664 Raja Jai Singh set out from Agra with a large army and famed sub-commanders. Five months later Jai Singh reached Aurangabad where he was joined by the forces of Shahzada Muazzam.
This combined army entered Poona on 3rd March, 1665.
On Jai Singh’s orders Mogul army again started plundering Shivaji’s land. Temples were destroyed and villages burnt. The people were terrorised. Raja did all this to tell people what would happen to them if they continued to support Shivaji.
Vajragarn fort fell to Mogul army.
Now Raja turned his attention to Purander fort. This fort had great sentimental value for Shivaji. Raja knew it. Maratha warrior Murar Baji was defending the fort. Raja Jai Singh laid a siege to the fort and started shelling it with heavy cannons.
Jai Singh kept shelling for two months. Maratha soldiers were dying one by one. Shivaji wrote a number of letters to Raja Jai Singh pleading with him the need for Hindus to stand together.
But the pleas made no impression on Jai Singh. He was hardened soldier who cared little for sentimental niceties. For him the loyalty to the Mogul empire was all that mattered.
Frustrated Shivaji gave in. He sent a message to Jai Singh asking for a meeting. It was agreed to. Raja asked Shivaji to visit to Mogul camp.
Shivaji arrived for the meeting. Cunning Raja got Shivaji seated in such a position that out of the windows he could see Mogul guns firing shells at Purander fort. With every boom a portion of the fort was coming down. The scene pained Shivaji. His heart sank. His soldiers won’t last long. Enemy was in no hurry. It just needed pounding the fort. All around Shivaji could see the power of Mogul Empire. Murar Baji was already dead. His soldiers were fighting a losing battle. No hope for them and Shivaji.

Raja Jai Singh spoke, “Well Shiva, why did you want to met me? Wish a cease fire?”
Shivaji sighed and tried to plead again about the Hindu unity, the aim of Swarajya, the future of Hinduism, their pride and honour etc. But Raja Jai Singh had turned deaf years to his pleas. He just wanted treaty on his terms or total destruction of Shivaji and his dreams.
Shivaji had to yield. After three days of negotiations the final agreement was ironed out. Shivaji had to surrender all his forts except twelve with a small area around that earned about four lac rupees annually. And Shivaji was to present himself once in Aurangzeb’s court at Agra. His son Shambhaji was to attend the Mogul court regularly.
Jai Singh launched an attack on Bijapur on Shivaji’s advice who said that Adil Empire was a dying force ready to be taken. But Bijapur defeated Moguls. Shivaji had taken revenge indirectly.
Meanwhile Shivaji’s chief commander split with him to join Bijapur court. Raja Jai Singh came to know about it. On behalf of Mogul Empire he offered Netaji Palkar a senior commander’s rank and a large estate with adequate income. Netaji joined the services of Mogul empire.

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