China is the neighbouring country of India. After the war of 1962, a boundary dispute arised between the two countries. So sowe this dispute, Rajiv visited China. He tried his best to forget the bitterness of part and requested China to sowe teh dispute. Rajiv said Tibet problem is China’s own problem, India doesnot wnat to interfere in her domstie problem. On this Chinase prime minster delighted and said Rajiv’s China visit will surely create an environmant to solve the dispute between the two countries. Both the countries wanted to maintain their bi-lateral relations.
Inia and China had opted the principle of panchsheel in post to maintain peace. Only by following this principle, the two countries can move on the path of development. A group of high level representatives thinked over it. Due to this both the countries agred to increase cooperation in economic, technical and cultural ares. On this India showed satisfaction.
Chinese experts told as much as the facilities provided by India to China, the mere subsidies wer are ready to give. The main three points on which agreement took place were—
1. Both the countries will have bilateral talks under usual time bound.
2. Both the countries will maintain peace in their respective boundaries.
3. Both the countries will solve boundary dispute with coopuation.
India wanted to solve boundary dispute on teh basis of debate and justice whereas China wanted to sowe it on the basis of trade. Rajiv believed this visit to be a sucess. He told my visit will make stronger the falin of fraternity between the two countries.
Rajiv on Pakistan visit
SAARC meeting was organised in Islamabad. On participating in this meeting, Rajiv reached Islamabad. Previously Nehruji visited Pakistan in 1958. Then Indiraji signed Simla poet with the prime minster of Pakistan. Both the countries agreed on this agreement that they will not attack on each others maker Hatws. They wil increase then cultural trade and save international airways from double taxation. India’s proceedings were supported by Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and she mentioned it in SAARC sumit. Both the countreis hoped that this will surely sweetened their relation, but Pakistan interbesed in India’s internal matters. She gave shelter to militants.
Later Pakistan started providing arms and money militants and also gave them training. Then also Rajiv tried his best to maintain permanet peace but by providing auns to militants, it posed a great threat to India. Militant started attacking on border check-posts. Now Pakistan started showing his bad intentions towards India. He stepped down to odious acts by spreading violence in Punjab and Kashmir Vally.
Rajiv took it seriously and said—“Patience has its limit. Pakistan should stop attecking on our border chek-posts or should be prepared to face our retaliation. Only by mutual cooperation we can establish peace between the two countries, but after looking the activities of Pakistan, it seems she doesn’t want to establish peace and cooperation.
Rajiv had an formal talk with Benazir Bhutto. During this Benazir said to Rajiv — “Todya Pakistan is not like before. In today’s Pakistan a new self-confidence reflets. If we wan, we can solve Kashmir problem on the basis of Simla poet. After 1971, there had been no was between India and Pakistan. It is the greatest achievement of Simla Paet.”