Hanuman increased the size of his body. He then asked Rama and Laxman to sit on his shoulders. He took the brothers to meet Sugreeva. When Hanuman reached Risyamukha mountain with Rama and Laxman, all the monkeys gathered there to see the handsome princes. Hanuman introduced Rama and Laxman to the entire army of monkeys. Sugreeva embraced them and welcomed them to the forest. Hanuman began narrating Rama’s problem and told that he had come to seek Sugreeva’s help. Hearing of Rama’s plight, Sugreeva showed him some gold ornaments that were tied in a piece of cloth. Rama recognised that those were Sita’s ornaments. He asked Sugreeva where he had found them. Sugreeva replied that one day he heard a lady screaming Rama’s name while the demon king Ravana was carrying her away on a flying chariot. On her way she had thrown these ornaments down towards us. Rama became very emotional and started weeping on seeing his wife’s ornaments. Unable to see Rama’s grief, Sugreeva, Hanuman, and all the monkeys consoled Rama. They promised that they all would help Rama to bring back Sita from Lanka. Rama became happy and felt relaxed after hearing their promise.

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