The news that Lakshmana had been defeated and dropped unconscious by the two young boys was carried to Rama. He was upset and called Bharata. Bharata came promptly and heard all that Rama said. Humbly, he replied, “We have never faced such a defeat or humiliation, O King! This must be the result of Mother Seeta’s curses for the grief she suffered.” Rama asked him, “Don’t you wish to go into this battle, Bharata? If so, I’ll go. Otherwise, you must go right away.” Bharata was deeply devoted to Rama and could not ever think of disobeying him. So, taking Hanuman and his army with him, he proceeded to Valmiki’s ashrama. What puzzled him was how two little boys could defeat Lakshmana, that great warrior who killed Indrajeet! Probably some divine force had been annoyed with Sri Rama for disowning Mother Seeta.
Rama Instructs Bharata