Rapunzel | Enchanted Fairy Tales

Long ago, there lived a couple who was going to have a baby. At the back of their house was a beautiful garden in which grew delicious lettuces. The garden belonged to a witch.

One day, the woman longed to have some fresh lettuces, “I feel like I will die unless I eat some of those lettuces that grow in the witch’s garden.”

At night, the husband climbed over the wall and went into the witch’s garden. He plucked a few lettuces for his wife.

The witch caught him and threatened to curse him. He begged for forgiveness. She said, “I will let you
go on one condition. You will have to give me your baby after it’s born.” The helpless man agreed.

As time passed by, the couple had a beautiful baby-girl. They named her Rapunzel. That very
night, the witch came and took away the baby-girl.

The witch locked Rapunzel in a tower with no doors and stairs but just a small window. Rapunzel grew into a beautiful girl with long golden locks.

Rapunzel used to sit at the window and sing. When the witch had to go up to the tower, she used to ask Rapunzel to let her hair down. She would then let down her hair and the witch would climb up.

One day, a very handsome Prince was passing through the forest. He heard Rapunzel singing. He wanted to meet the girl who sang so beautifully.

So, the following day, he came back to the tower and stood there gazing. He saw how Rapunzel let down her hair and the witch climbed up the window.

The next day, the Prince went to the tower and called out, “Let your hair down!” Rapunzel let her hair fall and the Prince climbed up. She was shocked to see him. He told her that he was the Prince. He fell in love with her at first sight and asked her for marriage. She agreed.

From then on, the Prince visited her every night. Once, the witch saw the Prince climbing up. She got furious. She took a pair of scissors and chopped off Rapunzel’s beautiful long tresses.

The witch pushed the Prince from the tower and he fell on a thorny bush. He became blind. She took Rapunzel to a desert far away and left her there.

For years, the blind Prince wandered alone in the woods. One day, he reached the same desert where the witch had left Rapunzel. He heard someone singing.

The Prince followed the sound and reached Rapunzel. She said, “Oh Prince! You finally found me. I am so happy to see you.” Happily, they hugged each other.

Tears rolled down Rapunzel’s cheeks. One of her tears fell on the Prince’s eyes and he regained his vision.
The Prince touched her hair and another miracle happened. Her hair turned long and shining as before.

The Prince took her to his kingdom and they got married. After a year, Rapunzel gave birth to a pretty baby-girl and they lived happily ever after.

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