Shiva was pleased with Ravan’s dedication and presented him the lingam, but on certain conditions. Shiva told Ravan that he would have to return to his city on foot and that he could not put the Shivlingam down anywhere at all. If he placed it on the ground, it would get stuck there. Then he would not be able to take it with him. Ravan was thrilled and agreed to all the conditions. He accepted the Shivlingam and started on his way back to Lanka. The gods were worried. Ravan, who was already dangerous, would gain a lot of power and become invincible, if he was able to reach Lanka with the Shivlingam. They rushed to Ganesha and said, “Lord, we are very scared! Ravan will become the most powerful being on earth if he succeeds in placing the Shivlingam in Lanka. The power he attains will be put to some evil use and he will destroy the whole universe.”
Ravan Gets the Shivlingam