Akampan was the only demon who survived the battle. He reached Ravana’s court to tell him the news about it and the death of Khara, Dooshana, Trishira and the other demon warriors. “It seemed as if every soldier had been battling with Rama,” said Akampan, “This was a part of Rama’s power of illusion.” Hearing the words of Akampan Ravana’s rage knew no bounds.
“Who killed them?” he thundered, “Is he Yama or the Fire-god or Vishnu? I can defeat even Yama!” “It was the ascetic Rama who shot many-headed serpent arrows,” said Akampan, still in a state of shock. Only after he was assured of safety by the demon-king Ravana Akampan told him about the details of the battle.

“The only way to defeat Rama is to separate his beautiful and beloved wife, Seeta, from him, my lord. If she can be abducted, perhaps he can be defeated,” suggested Akampan. As Ravana sat contemplating, Shurpanakha, his sister, entered wailing and screaming, with her mutilated nose and ears.
“Ravana was shocked to see his sister in that pitiable condition. Seeing Ravana in contemplative mood, Shurpanakha stated, “O Brother! What happened to you?” She knew Ravana’s weakness for beautiful women. So, she nocked Ravana saying, “O King of Demons! When I tried to snatch Seeta, more beautiful than the moon even, to bring her to you, look what Lakshmana did to me! When Khara and Dooshana tried to avenge my insult, that mere insect annihilated their entire demon-army. Now you have to avenge my humiliation by kidnapping that beautiful woman by hook or by crook”

On hearing the description of Seeta’s beauty, Ravana’s intellect had been deluded. Ravana decided to abduct her. Ravana consoled Shurpanakha saying, “This insult of yours shall be avenged.”
After thinking, Ravana came to Panchavati from Lanka. Ravana decided to consult Mareecha who, he knew, had faced Rama in the combat. Mareecha had become an ascetic after that battle.
Ravana sought Mareecha’s help to abduct Seeta. Mareecha advised Ravana, “Even the thought of abducting Seeta is misconduct and insulting. I have been a victim to Rama’s sharp and fatal arrows. I assure you that the entire race of demons and our family shall be destroyed if you do this wicked act.”
“Mareecha, our sister Shurpanakha has been insulted. Her nose and ears have been cut off by the princes of Ayodhya. We cannot let this disgrace go without punishment. Our several warriors have been killed. I seek your help to teach Rama a lesson. I want you to go to Panchavati in the guise of a golden deer and play there to invite Seeta’s attention. She will send Rama after you, tempted by your golden skin. When Rama goes into the forest to catch you, I will kidnap Seeta. This way, I will easily take away her to Lanka in my Pushpaka Vimana, stated Ravana.

Mareecha observed, “O King! I am free from worldly desires. I can’t do this wicked act.”
“I’ll cut off your head right now!” threatened Ravana,“You had better help me abduct Seeta. You know very well that the one who has enmity with me is sure to be killed by me. If you help me, you shall remain fearless all through your life.” Mareecha thought about it for a while. ‘I have to die in either case. Ravana will cut off my head if I refuse to carry out his orders. If I do what he asks me, I’ll be doing something that is very wrong. Ravana will certainly be destroyed along with the entire race of demons. For me, it would be a golden opportunity of my life that I could become the medium of killing the demon-king Ravana.’
Seeing him thinking, Ravana said, “This is the order of the demon-king Ravana. If of you do not obey, you will have to die.”
“I would prefer to die with Rama’s arrows than at your hands. Maybe this is my destiny. And what if Rama shoots me?” asked Mareecha.

“If Rama shoots you, cry out Lakshmana’s name in Rama’s voice. Seeta will send Lakshmana too and that will give me a chance to kidnap her,” explained Ravana.
It was a difficult choice, but finally Mareecha agreed to do Ravana’s bidding. When Ravana would make up his mind to do something, he never lost a single minute to carry it out. He was a demon of a strong will.
Ravana had obtained all the information regarding Panchavati before going there. Then he ordered his servants to prepare his Pushpaka Vimana. His Vimana could move on the earth as well as fly in the sky. It was necessary to have such a Vimana for Seeta’s abduction. Mareecha had no alternative but to do Ravana’s bidding. Sinful desire was driving Ravana to the adobe of Yama.