Ravana’s Frustration

Seeta replied to Ravana by telling him to take care of his wives. She herself was the daughter of King Janaka, the wife of Rama, a prince of Ayodhya of the Suryavanshi dynasty. She was not impressed by his wealth and power. “Is there no one to give you good advice?” she asked Ravana, “Why are you inviting the destruction of yourself, your race and your kingdom? My heart belongs to Rama, and you have already seen his power when he single-handedly destroyed your army. Seek his forgiveness; otherwise, he will destroy you completely.” Ravana’s anger flamed and he threatened that she would be killed and eaten up by the rakshasas if she did not change her mind. Only two months more remained of the one year he had given her to think about his proposal, he reminded her, as he returned to his palace.

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