Red Riding Hood left her home to visit her sick Grandmother through a forest. Mother warned her not to speak to strangers. On her way, a wolf appeared and asked her, “Where are you going?” Red Riding Hood told him about her grandmother. The wicked wolf ran fast and reached her grandmother’s house before her. He pretended to be Red Riding Hood and asked the grandmother to open the door. He entered the house and pushed the grandmother into a cupboard and locked it. Then, he disguised as her grandmother and waited for Red Riding Hood. Just as she entered the house, the wolf pounced upon her. She screamed as loudly as she could. Luckily, a woodcutter cutting the tree near by heard her voice and killed the wicked wolf. Red Riding Hood unlocked her grandmother and thanked the woodcutter for his help. Red Riding Hood promised never to speak to strangers again.
Red Riding Hood