After Dhirubhai what? Everyone concerned or interested was thinking of the same question. He had left behind a gigantic industrial empire with which the fate of millions of people was connected and it was a significant contributor to the nation’s economic progress rate. Would Reliance Group get divided between brothers or it will disintegrate? Will the division be without hassles and crippling litigation? Will such a huge legacy be saved from getting frittered away without Dhirubhai to hold it together? These questions were natural to arise.

(But their minds are not meeting)
But those people who knew Dhirubhai, Mukesh and Anil closely were not worrying. They knew for certain that Dhirubhai had prepared two pairs of strong shoulders to carry forward his legacy. Those belonged to Mukesh and Anil. In his own life time the brothers were shouldering responsibilities admirably. In them Dhirubhai two doubles of himself. The foremost duty of a father is to make his sons worthy of any challenge or train them to handle job already set for them as was in the case of Mukesh and Anil. A good sire supplements in his sons what qualities or facilities he himself lacked. There was no danger to Dhirubhai’s legacy.
It is true that Dhirubhai had left no written will. The people associated with his empire were a bit anxious about it. May be, he had full faith in his sons that they will act judiciously in the interest of his legacy. It is a natural psychological fact to be edgy before the dust settles down. All the people of industry were curiously watching the scene. The newspapers were full of rumours and guesses. The sensationalist media was having a field day with the imaginations of their reporters running wild. Some balanced reporting was also there that drew the near true picture. The following assessment of December, 2004 was one of them:
Ego Big or Ambani?
‘The dreams of Dhirubhai Ambani were born in a pigeon hole like living conditions of a chawl of Mumbai but they kept a whole generation of Indian nation bound in their spell. He started from a scratch and raised a Rs, 1,00,000 crore empire of Relicance petrochemicals, energy and telecom industrial business. Reliance skillfully crossed the hurdles of licence-permit regimes and overtook the established industrial and business houses to become the top group of companies to the amazement of economic analysts. In its wake the economy of the nation got pulled along as the Dhirubhai spirit took possession of others. India had become investment destination of the world. Now the fear was that the quarrel between the Ambani brothers might sink the Reliance ship.

In this respect it must be said that the tussle between Ambani brothers can not be compared to the failure of corporate administration of Enron. Although the media is crying in the name of the small investors (Gods of Dhirubhai) yet there in no reason for the government to interfere. The share holders are well aware that Reliance is a concern of one family and any fall in share prices due to some crisis in that family was an anticipated and taken as calculated risk. It is different matter that Reliance always treated its share holders nicely and with due concern. There also is the fact that in respect of the share holding of Reliance Industries and the status of Mukesh Ambani’s non-transparency about his authority in Reliance Infocom are legitimate issues. In this respect the need is for Ambani brothers to come forward and clear the situation. Meanwhile, the SEBI authorities and bureaucrats of company affairs department must stay calm. Because the heavy hand of the government on this Group should only be the last resort.

Then what is the problem? It appears that it is a simple human ego issue. Why not face it squarely. Sibling rivalry is only a little rumble in the stomach of dynastic capitalist system. Although Reliance can effect the lives of millions of people directly and the whole country indirectly yet till the curtain comes down on the drama like viewer of Greek tragedy no one can do anything but watch on with fear and sadness. At most when it is over like Mahabharata we shall learn that it is difficult to survive in this world as nice guys.
In December 4, issue of Times of India on selfless karma goodness Anil Ambani wrote—‘For the past 2000 years Indians have been trying to find out if it is possible for a normal common man to go on doing deed only inspired by his sense of duty without any wish for rewards. It is not easy to forget about self. Most of us can do so only for a few moments. When we lose ourselves in something that we are deeply infatuated with, then only we forget out ago.
Artists and sports persons claim to reach that state of mind. Surely Mukesh and Anil also must have got the same feeling when they are engaged in their business work. But when the work is over then what? Then the man’s naughty ego rears its head and asks why my executive cabin is two inches smaller than his cabin?
The selfless karma theory can be correct path for Mukesh and Anil. They must melt their own personal ambitions in the ambitions of their institution and they must do it with love and commitment to their Reliance Group.
Ambani brothers must consider why they can’t pull together reining in their egos when they so much pride over the capacity of their Reliance to stand up against international competition and its professionalism? Any long drawn litigation can be fatal to their valid claim of professionalism.
Ambani story is a melodrama of Indian morality At a level it is a classic patch in the story of Indian aristocracy. It is the story of a simple rustic boy Dhirubhai’s rise from floor to sky against all odds, establishment of a world class company, very capable of standing firm in international competition and his becoming as power centre in modern India. At another level it is the story of nexus with corrupt and decaying licence regime. However undesirable any of them be, was it correct for Ambani reaised a matchless world class and self-sufficient institution that contributes to 3% of GDP and 10% of country’s revenue earning by taxes? If he broke some rules proving hurdles in his endeavour what was the harm in that? The fact is that before 1991 for any entrepreneur to succeed violation of those rules was imperative. Ambani did that job skillfully. All said and done, the laws of licence regime were so bad that from 1991 scrapping them off began after all.

Division-legal status
- According to Hindu law if the head of the family (male) dies with leaving will his property is divided amongst his children and the widowed wife. If the property is registered under Hindu Joint Family law then it is divided amongst sons and his wife.
- According to reliable sources Dhirubhai Ambani died without leaving any will, the property will be divided amongs all members of the Hindu Joint family.
- The apple of discord is 46.67 percent share of Ambanis family in Reliance Industries Ltd. There is no dispute between brothers in respect of Reliance Infocom and Reliance Energy. Mukesh has been in charge of Reliance Infocom and Reliance Energy is in the care of Anil Ambani.
- During Dhirubhai’s life time Anil Ambani had been the face of Reliance Group. His independent charge was liaisoning. This young trouble shooter of the company had to go on backfoot after the death of his father which he liked not.
- Mukesh Ambani did not like Anil Ambani joining politics and his hobnobbing with controversial politicians. In view of this, the annoucement by Mukesh about keeping distance from Anil is being interpreted as ‘well thought ploy.’ This way Reliance Group is trying to strike balance in political relationships.

But to some extent the media also knew that Kokilaben would be able to avoid legal process for the division. Kokilaben was admittedly capable of solving the family crisis. So, media wrote—
Kokilaben would be the trump card
Whatever Mukesh or Anil may say, close ones to the family say Kokilaben was one trump card that would solve any crisis of the Group and play decisive role in the division. Kokilaben is a low profile housewife who always stood by her husband through thick and thin. She had been a silent partner of Dhirubahi’s struggles and successes. She is the binding force of the family. The business world hopes she would not let the dream of her husband collapse. Corporate world understands the farsighted industrialist Dhirubhai Ambani could have no worries for Kokilaben in resepct of ownership of the property of the family. Brothers-in-law Salgaokar (Goa Tycoon) and Dhirubhai’s daughters, Deepti and Neena would also play important role in disputes, the settlement and division of property clearly in such a situation of disputes arose and division took place the other relatives will also play significant part.
This positive thought of media proved correct. The opponents of Ambani family did try to fan negative rumours about the division of Ambani empire. They wanted to create panic amongst share holders. The entire attention of rivals was fixed on the equation of division. They wished for the crisis in Ambani family to deepen and misunderstandings increase. They forgot that Dhirubhai had seeded his family with love. The ground of his ideals was not so hollow as to let Ambani family cave in. Dhirubhai was like a big Banyan tree that shelters on its abode countless creatures. And in his case interests of millions of people were vested in him. When he fell that legacy also got transferred to the family. Ambani must protect those interests like Dhirubhai did irrespective of the equations of division. That was a collective responsibility.
The hope of progress enthuses the members of a family and the fear of falling back in the race of progress keeps them united if they are instilled with values.
The family of Ambani is still one in spirit and is marching on without colliding.