
Genetic factors behind resemblance
Some persons are having very closed resemblance or similarity with the faces of animals. It has been observed when the face of a person resembles with the face of a particular animal, in such case the characters, instincts and nature of the person concerned are similar to that of specific animal. Though, animal is animal and man is man and it is also true that resemblance between man’s face and animal’s one is not completely possible, yet dominance of instincts is partially seen in the feature. Darwin stated that man has developed from various classes of animals, so that instincts of animals are existed basically in the nature of man even today. These basic instincts are dominant in some men; as a result their faces resemble with that of some specific animal’s.
Genetic factors are responsible behind the resemblance. Mendel (1822 – 1884), the father of genetics, proved by his experiments that character, instinct, nature, physical shape, colour and intellectual capacity carried over from one generation to other generation by the inheritance. Succeeding generation or progeny automatically adopts genetic instincts from one generation to other one. It is natural to be semblance of the gene code of present generation with the gene code of preceding generation.
Genetic Engineering : Cloning technique
Enormous developments have recently been happened in the field of genetics and scientists have become successful to understand the mystery of life. Genetic specialists proved by generating sheep Dolly with the help of cloning that the origin of man or creature depends on biological cells. When an ovum of the mother comes close to a sperm of the father during fertilisation, both these cells convert into zygote, which possesses only one nucleus. Zygote is formed due to the combination of two nucleuses each of ovum and sperm. This cell (i.e. zygote) develops into a creature. In another words, every man or creature is basically a zygote cell, which is formed due to genetical conjugation of mother and father. Body, instinct, nature and character are developed from the gene (DNA), which exists into the nucleus of zygote and the gene determines the structure, complexion and shape of the face etc.
Nature is a great creator and wonderful artisan. It is amazing that the world has the population of more than six hundred million, out of which nobody is fully resembled with any other person. Everybody has been moulded differently and the same mould was not used again after using once. Therefore, every person and every construction has its own identity. It is an astonishing, but well known fact that nobody’s finger print is matched with other one. Do you know which principle is working behind this diversity ? The gene indeed determines in this diversity. Diversity is found in the nature due to the effectiveness of gene. Everybody has its own identity due to genetic factors.
Genetic Embryology : Twins Birth
There are three types of twins to be observed in the nature and in practice –

  1. Normal Twins (Independent Zygoted)

2. Identical Twins (Mono Zygoted)

3. Conjoined Twins (Conjoined Zygoted)
You may have seen that the twins nourished in the uterus of same mother are different in character, nature, form and sex. The twins of animals are also born with different form and complexion. Scientists were able to know the secret with the development of genetic embryology that the character, nature, complexion, sex, form, shape of the twins, which were developed from separate zygote, nourishing at the same time in uterus, will not be resembled. They are two free and separate cells, which have been formed by two separate zygotes. But identical twins are monozygotic. In other words, ovum and sperm developed as single zygote, which had one nucleus at first stage of development, but after sometime, this zygote cell divided into two separate free zygotic cells and they were nourished separately into the uterus of the mother. In this manner, both the developing twins become resembled with each other and shape of their face, character, nature, sex, fingerprint, blood group etc. are found completely resembled like true copy of each other. They are physiologically and physically closely similar to each other. Their skin can also be transplanted upon each other. This is called skin grafting. Whereas it is quite impossible in another case. Genetic code (DNA) of these children is also similar. In this way, identical twins are genetically and physiologically true copy of each other.
Siamese or conjoined twins are born from mono zygote like identical conjoined twins, but zygote cell of conjoined twins is not able to complete the process of division and their blastomeres remained joined with each other. Therefore, the heads of such children sometimes joined with each other or sometime trunk, shoulder or waist, but they are two persons in spite of being their body joined. These children also have similarities from each other like identical twins.
The cell is the basis of the origin and development of zoological kingdom. On one hand, genes existed into cell determine the diversity of the world; on the other hand they are also able to keep their originality for thousand to thousands years. Various species were originated in the world due to genetical ground, but their own genetical factor is also existed there in the core of their species, which remains unchanged even after a long span of times i.e. million, billion years.
The resemblance, between human face and other animal’s face, occurs due to genetic reasons. For example, if we take a resemblance between tiger and cat, you will see that there is a vast difference between the shape of cat and tiger. Cat is tiny, domestic, omnivorous and violent animal; but tiger is wild, carnivorous, violent animal; even though their shape of face, complexion, constitution of eyes, structure of paw and nails are similar to each other. It is not a sudden or by chance resemblance; on the contrary, it is a result of genetic resemblance of both the animals. Therefore, a natural similarity is remarkable in the face of tiger and cat. The animals or creatures belonging to same race or same biological class are having similarities in characteristics, nature and shape.
Man has been developed from complex chain of various biological classes, species etc., of which characteristics of original genetic trait exist in the man even today and they are reflected by way of resemblance. Therefore, if the face of the man resembles with any animal, it means characteristics, nature, behaviour and rite of the person will be as same as that animal. The character, behaviour, nature and instinct of the man can be made out on the basis of resemblance.
Man’s face can not be cent percent resembled with the face of animals or birds. But if there is partial signs of resemblance between both, their characteristics and nature will also be similar. If there more resemblance, there will be significant similarity in the characteristics and nature of the man in the same proportion.
Monkey : The persons having monkey shaped face are volatile and fickle minded. They have lack of intellectual capacity and wisdom; even though they are desirous to scale to the heights of success. They never miss the chance to ditch their faith and honesty just for a little gain. The persons having monkey shaped face are always engaged in some work, never sit idle, changing their job often.

Mental zone of this face is not developed and appears sloping backwards, which indicates that they have lack of wisdom. If practical zone is projecting frontward, the person is in the habit of dreaming impractical dreams. Persons having such faces can mostly be seen in temples, religious institutions or they are conservative devotees. They are not having a respectful position in the society. If they are able to get any significant post by chance, they never miss the chance to be all in all and they show insanity like symptoms in their work out of zeal and become the object of ridicule. These persons are known as fanatic, unwise teacher, insane administrator, senseless servant, superficial religious and jumping jack, who always try to show themselves important in the society.
Frog : The body of the person having frog shaped face is bulky and heavy. Their faces are fleshy and eyes are watery. They are mostly suffered from asthma, arthritis and kidney related problems. Such persons are calm by nature. They have materialistic ambitions. They are fond of eating, lazy and indolent. The persons, who are alert towards situations and incidental accidents and do their work after proper precautions, are having frog type face. They like best the rainy season. Both summer and winter are favourable for their health and mind.

Such persons are known for their calmness and innateness. They hold and perform their family responsibility properly. But they are not able to make so much progress due to lack of ambition.
Crane : The persons, having resemblance with crane on the basis of their long neck, round eyes and pointed nose, are ideal lover, efficient and highly emotional. They have strong feelings about sex and beauty. These persons are innocent by nature and known for chaste love. If companion lover unfortunately dies, they sacrifice life in agonies of separation. Their life starts with their love and lover and they attain pleasure and peace under the glimpse of their lover.

Such persons discharge their family responsibilities properly. Maintaining the status in the society is the specialty of their nature. They are surrounded with worries due to being extra sensitive and they lose their balance when adverse situation comes in their life. But they are always alert and cautious.
Goat : Camper’s angle of the persons’ whose face resembles with the face of goat, is less than ninety degree and such faces are convex in the view of lateral curvature. The person has normal mental capacity due to this combination, but they have practical sense, due to which they enjoy materialistic comfort while maintaining their social status strong. They can be recognised by the look of their projecting chin and beard. The nature of such persons is normal rather than irritable. But if they get power, they sometimes get agitated as well. Such persons are also found changing their mind under the pressure of circumstances. They try their level best to maintain the status in the society and family. They struggle throughout their life. They can not waste their time in laziness. Therefore, they get success in the field of business, social service, education, arts etc.

Cat : The face looks like cat on being the basic zone very contracted but practical and mental zone is extremely developed. The persons, having cat like face, are clever, fierce and diligent. Such persons are internally timid and weak but when they have to face adverse situation, they never miss the chance to defeat others by threat, deceit and scare.

The persons having cat like face are highly ambitious and they get success by virtue of their ambition. Such persons are able to attain success by their intellectual capability, practical wisdom and cleverness. Their eyes are sharp and they quickly guess the seriousness of situation. They are fond of eating, alert and cautious by nature. They have presence of mind to understand and tackle the situation. Such persons get excellent success in their life and society due to sharp mind and wisdom.
Lion : Big eyes, wide and elevated nose, glaring and square face represents lion like face. The persons having lion like face are fierce, potent, fair, truthful and dignified. Justice is the part and parcel of their life. Such persons have important status in the family and society. They have many enemies because of their bravery and truthfulness; even then they face every situation of life. Without caring anybody they can sake and maintain their principles. They earn fame and money by diligence and efficiency. These persons are ambitious, self supporting, generous, virtuous, brave, credible and have good communication skill. They are full of dignity and self respect.

If the basic zone of the person having lion like face is abnormally developed, the person is violent and cruel. They do not know the difference between good and bad and they become notorious for their barbarian and cruel nature. They have dearth of idealism and justice. Such persons do their work in vanity and become furious in anger and as a result they get defamed. They are known as blot in the society. But if the mental and practical zone is comparatively more developed against basic zone, the lapse can be sorted out and they develop good personality.
Dog : The persons having dog shape face are timid. They have dearth of bravity; even though they try to frighten others by screaming and shouting on them. They are habituated to make flattery to others for hiding their weakness and inability and to wheedle for selfness. They are never true and simple by heart. Dog’s tail can never be straight. If you find a dog with straight tail, it means there is something wrong with the dog. When dog becomes mad or scared, only then their tail becomes straight. Likewise the persons having dog like face can never be innocent. Innocence is never found in their nature. Under some circumstances such persons are loyal and helpful by nature.

If they observe the situation is not good, they keep calm. But on being their position strong, they start growling. Such persons encounter their weak competitor fiercely and make them helpless to quit the battle.
Snake : Snake like face can be recognised by the existence of furiousness expressions on the face. Such persons are mostly full of furiousness and impulses. Their heart beat is fast and blood pressure is high.
Such persons never treat the matter simply. The muscles of the face are stretched, eyebrow raised and forehead possesses wrinkles.

Anger exists in their nature. They are impatient without caring others. The persons having snake like face talk with assibilation. They are unable to adjust themselves with family and society. Their status in the society is not good. They are known as problematic persons. They get high post, being stubborn and tyrant. They have lack of self control and endurance. They possess thoughts of revenge in their heart and bitterness in speaking. They are brave and outspoken and never hesitate to say bitter truth. They are not habituated of back-biting. They are always suffered in the fire of revenge and agony of insult.
Parrot : Parrot like shape is formed due to being the rear bone of the nose raised. The structure of the nose resembles with the beak of the parrot and size of the mental zone and basic zone are comparatively contracted. Such persons are mostly weak by their physique and mind. They have lack of wisdom.

They are unable to make out the practical facts. They inculcate the things like parrot, but do not understand their sense. These persons are learned of principles, but they mostly unable to use the principles in their practical life.
The persons having parrot like face are soft spoken and well-behaved. They are stubborn by nature. They try all possible efforts to convince their obstinacy from other. These persons are ambitious, but they have lack of quality by which they can achieve their targets. Therefore, their dreams stay mostly unfulfilled. They are known for their calm and jovial nature.
Sheep : The persons having sheep like face are mostly average in respect of wisdom. They have dearth of originality and creativity. Their desires are merely physical or materialistic. Such persons choose their way by following the others. They are less eager towards their life. They are having keen interest on what other persons do. The persons having sheep like face are well-behaved, polite, generous and kind. They are exploited by others due to being simple. They like to work in the group and society. They are frightened on being alone. When they are standing or walking alone they feel that somebody is watching them. They become perplexed and tormented without any proper reason. Such persons are obstinate, unwise, shy, chicken-hearted and timid. But they are vigorous.

Bullock : Bullock like shape is the symbol of oblong square face. The constitution of the body of these men is excellent. The joints of the bones are strong due to dominance of earth element. Such persons are physically potent, laborious and responsible. They acquire life force from labour and become lazy in absence of labour. Their desires are materialistic and worldly. Though these persons are ambitious, they do work as per their situation. They do not dream of impractical things. Such persons are fond of eating, liquor and desirous of materialistic pleasure, sex and comfort. These persons can properly perform the responsibility of their family. They are composed and having impressive personality. Such persons are not ambitious in spite of having abundant physical capacity and are satisfied with a few achievements.

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