Once upon a time, there was a child named Charlie who really loved studying. One day, his teacher scolded him because he was late to school. The next day, Charlie was late again, and the teacher warned him that this should not happen again, else she would punish him. Charlie stayed quiet. The next morning, Charlie arrived on time to school, but the teacher scolded him for his untidy homework. She also told him to pay attention in the class when she was explaining, and encouraged him to ask her his doubts. Charlie was fed up. He did not like what the teacher was saying to him, and left the class mumbling to himself. When he reached home, he told his parents everything. They talked to Charlie and told him that the teacher only wished him well; that she was very good and wanted him to get good grades. Charlie felt sorry for what he had done and asked his teacher to forgive him, the next day.
Respect Your Teachers