As Rama accepted Seeta back, they saw the ghost of Dasharatha blessing them. Rama requested him to withdraw the heavy punishment he had given to Kaikeyi and Bharata, disowning them. Indra, the king of gods, came to thank Rama for saving them all from Ravana. Rama requested that all the vanaras who had been killed in the battle be revived. Indra granted this boon. Then Rama and his retinue sat in the pushpaka vimana and left for Ayodhya. Hanuman had reached Ayodhya in advance to inform Bharata. There was jubilation in the palace and the kingdom. It is said that this is how the festival of lights, deepawali, began. Rama ran to bow to Vasishtha and the queens. Seeta and Lakshmana were welcomed warmly. All the brothers embraced one another. Rama hugged Bharata. Rama, Seeta, Lakshmana and Bharata were dressed in gorgeous clothes. Then Vasishtha carried out Rama’s coronation as King of Ayodhya.
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