
Meanwhile, Shakti Singh had escaped from the Mogul prison and he had returned to Mewar. He was going from village to village recruiting youngmen to raise an army for Maharana Pratap. He succeeded in motivating the youth and was able to put together a viable force. With this force Shakti Singh won Kinsahara fort of Moguls.
The elders of the village initially suspected the intentions of Shakti Singh because they knew well how he had betrayed Maharana. Shakti Singh revealed to them how he was now a different person. He begged everyone to help him and cooperate in strengthening the hands of Maharana Pratap. The change of the heart of Shakti Singh pleased the elders because they knew Shakti was a great warrior. The youngmen joined him in large numbers.

Now the only mission of Shakti Singh was to form a large army and give its command to Maharana Pratap and request him to launch a fresh campaign against the Moguls.
In between this he heard the rumours that his brother was working out a peace pact with the Mogul Emperor. It pained Shakti.
He wanted to meet Maharana Pratap and dissuade him. So, he set out for Bittoor forests and roamed the forest asking for the where abouts of Maharana from the Bheels.
Maharana had already been reached by tribal leaders and his old commanders in his cave hide out. They were advising him against putting trust in Moguls and were offering all help they could provide.
Maharana was promised every sacrifice he asked of them. Just then Shakti Singh arrived there to the surprise of Maharana Pratap. Shakti informed Maharana what he had been doing. He requested Maharana to take charge of the army and shift to the fort he had won from Moguls.
Maharana gave it a thought.
But for a full scale war great financial resources were required. He had no money. How could he support a large army without money?
Then, Raja Prithviraj’s messenger arrived and gave him the letter from the Raja. Maharana read the letter and tears welled up in his eyes. Raja’s letter revived Maharana’s spirit and he made up his mind not to yield to Mogul empire.
He sat down with elders and Shakti Singh to discuss the organisation of army and plans for renewed struggle to liberate Rajput areas from Mogul domination.
The only problem that defied solution was the matter of funds. How to raise the money for the war effort? This problem also got solved through a miraculous coincidence.
Bhamashah had arrived to offer financial help to Maharana. Bhamashah was a man of great wealth. He belonged to Chittaur. He had been able to escape from Chittaur with all his movable wealth eluding the Mogul forces.
His wish was to see Chittaur liberated from Moguls. He had been looking for Maharana for a long time to turn over all his money to enable him to raise an army to confront the Moguls.
He placed a great load of money bags before Maharana and requested him to accept it as his contribution towards the liberation of the motherland effort. The amount was large enough to pay salaries to 5000 soldiers for 12 years. It was a tidy sum and could solve the financial problem of Maharana.
Maharana accepted the contribution.
Now Maharana and Shakti Singh got together and worked hard for raising a large force of young soldiers. Shakti Singh pooled in his own army. Many other Ranas and chieftains also joined in the liberation efforts and promised to cooperate with Maharana Pratap. Shakti Singh was now a faithful and committed lieutenant of Maharana.
All around there was a new vigour, life, hope and enthusiasm. It was truly a revival of the great Rajput spirit.
Meanwhile, Raja Prithviraj had left the Mogul court and joined forces with Maharana.
Maharana first targeted Kumbhalgarh and drove away the Mogul forces. Very soon entire Kumbhalgarh region was again in the hands of Rajputs. For some time Maharana’s forces harassed Moguls by launching guerilla attacks. Then, they attacked them in force. Terrorised and dispirited Mogul soldiers fell back.

This pattern continued and eventually entire area was liberated from the Moguls.
Mogul fort of Kinsahara was now commanded by Shakti Singh. Akbar did not like it. He asked Man Singh to win back that fort from Shakti Singh.
Man Singh allotted ten thousand soldiers to commander Mahavat Khan and ordered him to launch an attack on Kinsahara. The Mogul commander reached Kinshara and challenged Shakti Singh who was defending the fort with only 1000 soldiers.
Mahavat Khan laid a siege to the fort and waited for Shakti Singh to leave the fort and battle. He hoped that as soon as the rations in the fort ran out Shakti would have no option but to come out. Then, Mahavat could butcher the small band of Rajputs Shakti was holding out with.
Shakti Singh did not give up. He had managed to send a message to Maharana that he needed immediate help.
Meanwhile, when Shakti did not leave the fort Mahavat decided to take the initiative. He got the eastern wall of the fort breached and the Mogul soldiers prepared to enter the fort. Shakti made up his mind to fight to death.
Just then his ears heard a sound he was praying for. It was the war cry of the soldiers of Maharana.
The help had arrived.
Shakti ordered his soldiers to attack. At the same time Pratap army reached the fort. The two armies sandwiched the Mogul force.
Mahavat Khan capitulated.
Mahavat was produced before Maharana who let him go. Kinsahara was saved. In this battle Moguls lost 8000 soldiers out of the force of 10,000 soldiers. It was a grave loss. Rajput soldiers gained a heap of enemy arms and war material.
Thus, Maharana’s campaign continued and Mewar was won back again. Only Chittaur still remained in Mogul hands and felt like an ugly scar.
Kumbhalgarh again became the power centre of Maharana Pratap. His army was now well equipped and had some cannons as well.
Akbar sent again a large army under the command of Badakshi Shahbaz Khan to defeat Maharana. It reached at Kumbhalgarh on 15th October, 1577. It is believed that Raja Man Singh and Bhagwandas were kept in dark about this campaign.
Akbar has come to believe that every Rajput had soft corner for Pratap who had emerged as the symbol of Rajput pride, honour and spirit of defiance. But for Akbar Rana Pratap was a thorn in the flesh of Mogul empire. So, he was not letting Pratap settle down and build up his forces.
This time Rajput forces were using cannons and inflicting heavy casualties on the Badakshi’s Mogul soldiers. Badakshi wanted to bring in bigger calibre cannons from Delhi. But it would take months for the heavy cannons to reach there. The time for Mogul soldiers was running out.
Moguls played another trick. They were able to bribe some people of the Maharana’s fort who mixed jaggery sugar in the gunpowder stock meant for the cannons.
Maharana suddenly found that his cannons were no more firing. Again the defeat was staring in the face of Rajputs. Moguls captured the fort in April, 1578 but Maharana and his trusted commanders had already left the fort.

Through a secret passage Maharana and party reached Ranakpur and then on to Chawanda.
Meanwhile Shahbaz left Kumbhalgarh in the charge of Gazi Khan and he moved on with the main force. In series of campaigns he won Udaipur, Gogunda, Chawanda etc.
Maharana had to flee from his strategic hill posts. The Moguls had again taken away entire Mewar.
After achieving the victory Shahbaz Khan returned to Agra in May, 1578. After his departure Maharana again started his counter attacks and won back the region except Kumbhalgarh.
On 11th November 1579, Shahbaz Khan again set out for a fresh campaign against Maharana. This time his objective was to capture Maharana. His army hunted for Maharana for months but failed to take him prisoner. Maharana successfully eluded him because the people were with him who always facilitated his escape. Mogul army combed all the forest and the hills but Maharana and his family kept evading them.
At last, frustrated Shahbaz decided to give up. Akbar called him back in May, 1580 and took away the Ajmer command from him. Khankhana became the new commander governor.
He was to lead military campaigns in Mewar.
Maharana again became active and after several battles he won back western Mewar including Kumbhalgarh.
On 15th December, 1584 Akbar sent Jagannath Kachhava to launch battle against Maharana. But he could do little against Maharana and returned unsuccessful. In September, 1585 he again led a fresh campaign to capture Maharana. He pursued Maharana all over the forests and hills but failed to bag him.
Thus, inspite of umpteen campaigns to capture Maharana Akbar failed in his mission. He could merely make troubles and nothing more. Maharana remained free like a wild stallion of freedom.
Inspite of losing his kingdom to Moguls several times eventually Maharana had won back entire Mewar except Chittaur and Mandalgarh.
Maharana made Chawanda his new capital in 1583 which was 80 kms away from Udaipur. When Akbar failed to conquer Maharana he consulted Man Singh in a defiant mood.
Man Singh revealed that Rajputs were not happy at Akbar’s policy of constant harassment of Maharana Pratap. He had become the symbol of freedom and the spirit of native resistance. The people did not want destruction of such an idealist warrior.
Akbar realised that for the larger interest of Mogul Empire it was imperative not to further antagonise Rajputs. He too wanted peace.
It had become clear that Maharana was no danger to the empire. He only wanted to be left alone in freedom.
Emperor Akbar declared that the empire would no more launch any attacks against Maharana as long as he was alive. Coupled with it was the announcement that Prince Saleem was engaged to the sister of Raja Man Singh.
In the marriage ceremony, all the Rajput commanders and chieftains were invited and felicitated. Akbar apologized for his mistakes, if any. It overwhelmed the Rajputs. They forgot all their complaints and again became loyal soldiers of Mogul Empire.
It was the real victory for Akbar.
The no-war announcement of Akbar was no good news for Maharana. Battling against Emperor Akbar and defying him had become his sole occupation. Now he felt purposeless. Suddenly life became meaningless for him. 25 years of battles had taken a heavy toll on Maharana’s physical and mental strength.
His body was tired and so was his mind.
Maharana Pratap fell ill. His mind was worried about the future of Rajputs. Would there be anyone who would carry on his mission and tradition of defiance and free spirit?
Hindu and Muslim chieftain flocked to see the ailing Maharana. He was a symbol of valour. When his condition worsened, he called his near and dear ones. In a weak voice he spoke, “I tried my best but could not win back Chittaur. I expect you to do it. You must fulfil my pledge.”
Shakti Singh assured him, “Brother, we will win back Chittaur. We take a pledge. There will be no compromise.”
Old Maharana nodded his head. His vacant eyes fell upon the faces of Shakti Singh, Amar Singh, Prithviraj, Govind Singh etc. Was he assessing them for the final time?
Then, he asked to be laid in such a position from where he could see Chittaur.
It was done.
Maharana Pratap fixed his gaze on his unrealised dream, Chittaur.
A deep sigh escaped from his lips and two tears rolled off his eyes before they closed for the final time. His body became still.
The royal vaid felts his pulse and announced, “Maharana has left us.”
Thus, ended the life of a great warrior son of India.

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