Rings Of Smoke (Science Experiments)

Materials Required:
l A cold winter day
l Door to your house
l 10 Rupee currency note

You have probably heard a good deal about conserving energy. Here is a simple test you can perform to see if you and your family are energy savers!

  1. On a cold winter day, stand inside your house and face an outside door. Place a 10 Rupee note on the floor in front of the door.
  2. Push the 10 Rupee note under the door. Does it slide away easily, or do you have trouble pushing it through?

This Is What Happens:
The 10 Rupee note helps you measure the air space between the bottom of the door and the floor. If you could slide the bill underneath the door easily, this means that there is not a tight seal and warm air from your house is escaping through this space. It is very expensive to heat the air in your house, and now this hot air is leaving! Hold your hand in front of the door for a few seconds. Do you feel cold air? Not only are you losing warm air, but the leak is also letting cold air in!

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