Robert Fulton

Robert Fulton was born on 14 November, 1765 and he was an American Engineer and inventor who is broadly recognized with budding the first commercially successful steamboat. In 1800, he was praised by Napoleon Bonaparte to propose the Nautilus that was the first sensible submarine in history. He is also recognized with inventing a number of the world’s initial naval torpedoes for use by the British Navy.

In 1777, Fulton became concerned in steamboats when he saw William Henry of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, who had in advance been educated about James Watt’s steam engine on a trip to England. After the many decade of his death in 1909, he got honoured in New York City’s Hudson-Fulton Celebration. That was for his development of steamship technology. Besides this, a lot of places in the US are named for Robert Fulton.  On 24 February, 1815 at the age of 49, he died in New York City.

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