Robert W. Bower

Robert W. Bower (born 12 June, 1936) is a scientist and also a well-known engineer. Bower’s many inventions made possible the new technology to grow up. His invention of electronic circuits has found a new ordinary place in computer. He invented other electronic products will.

He received his degree in Physics from California University in 1962. He got very higher education; he was an M.S.E.E., and a Ph.D. holder in applied Physics from the California Institute of Technology. He had toiled more than 25 years in industry where he served a number of functionalities, those of engineer, scientist, Department head, Division Manager, President of the industrial company, C.E.O., and so on. He worked as a professor at University of California for 15 years. He  focused on designing three-dimensional microelectronics, that is Silicon on insulator technology, Semiconductor devices, Solid-dates sensors and many more. For inventing the self-aligned gate ion implanted MOSFET, he was elected fellow of the IEEE in 1986.

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