Role of Games In Life

Man has a body, a mind and a spirit. The development of all these three is called the development of the total personality of a person. One cannot expect a healthy mind and a healthy spirit in a body which is suffering from serious disease. Disease is the other name of death of itself. Therefore games contribute a great deal in making a man healthy and happy.
The first fruit that games yield is health. They boost up the physical growth and development of a person. They tone up the system, build the muscles, strengthen the nerves and help in the elimination of the waste material of the body. We breathe in the wholesome air. Extra fat is taken away and new energy is created in the body. The games quicken the circulation of blood as a result of which it becomes purified. We get rid of various diseases because, while playing dirty matter of the body comes out through the pores.
Games also make the players well disciplined. They learn how to work under their captain and follow his dictates and advice. This sense of discipline goes on a long way in building their character.
Games are a good means of recreation, amusement and hobby. They bring in their routine life some pleasurable diversions which are very necessary and useful. Otherwise, without them life will become dull and monotonous. They squeeze laziness and idleness out of our body. We can utilize our spare time in a profitable way. The word ‘boredom’ is not found in the dictionary of players. Worries and anxieties do not pester them.
Games are a source of education as well. We learn while we play. They develop in us mental alertness. We are enabled to have the power of quick judgment, the sense of discrimination between what is right and what is wrong.

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