Roman Matches

The following equation involving Roman numerals is formed using matchsticks. The given equation is wrong. Can you correct it by moving just one matchstick? See if you can do it three times; the equation can be corrected in three different ways. Each solution must be an equation, i.e. it must contain one equal sign.
I(1) and -(minus) are each formed from one matchstick.
V(5), X(10), L(50), +(plus), and =(equals) are each two matchsticks.
C(100) is three matchsticks.
The incorrect equation is: IV = XII—VI
First solution: IV = XI—VII
Take the matchstick from the right of the XII and add it to the right of the VI.
Second solution: VI = XII—VI
Take the matchstick from the left of the IV and put it on the right of the same numeral, changing it to VI.
Third solution: V = XII—VII
Take the matchstick from the left of the IV and add it to the right of the VI.

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