Mental Nature (Water Dominated)
Faces of all the infants are mostly round and because of this people commit mistake in recognising the infants. All the infants look similar. Round face is the symbol of childlike mentality, emotional and innocent behaviour. Some traits such as sophistication, fatty, bulkiness, over weighted and delicate bones are found in the person due to the dominance of water and mind element . The body of the persons having round face is corpulent, fleshy cheeks and full of lustre due to water element. The size of their abdomen and hips are comparatively bigger, heavier and fleshier. Various types of round faces have been shown in figure 14.

Types of the Round Face
- Regular Round Face : The infants have regular round face. Infants are mentally and physically undeveloped; they are dependent upon others, their bones are delicate and the body is bulky and fleshy. Senses have not been developed. A child expresses his desires by gesticulation. His eyes are deep and clean and his pleasure is expressed not only by his face, but also by his entire body. Sighting the innocent face of a child brings us mental peace. Children are credible and with pure clean mind, because of this they attract everybody. The persons having regular round face are opulent with childlike characteristics. Innocence is the most important feature of their character. Most of the children have regular round face in the time of their birth, but the shape of the face changes after two or three years and this change continues till their oldness. The perspective of changes occurring in the face with due course of age has been shown in figure 15.
The persons possessing regular round face are very sensitive, love nature and beauty, fanciful, good artist, generous, simple and calm. They are innocent, emotional and inspired by the nature. They earn fame in the field of fine arts, music, dance, acting, literature, photography, tourism, home decoration, fashion designing, drawing, painting, cinema etc. Such persons are fanciful. Their minds are soft like flowers which gets soon shrivelled. They jitter to face adverse situation. Some vices such as restlessness, instability, disappointment, lethargy are found in their character. They lose self control in adverse circumstances and escape the odd situations and hurdles of life. Much attraction towards opposite sex, lack of practical wisdom and lost in their own consciousness are their specialty.
The persons having regular round face are recalled for being ideal lover, truthful, generous, fanatic in their life. Their conception leaves great impact in the society.
2. Oblong Round Face : The basic instinct of the persons possessing oblong round face is similar to the persons having regular round face. But their mental and practical traits are more developed due to lengthening of face, which leads them to success. Such persons are artist, kind hearted, poet, writer, musician, photographer, actor and dancer. They have also the capability to make a position in the society and to face adverse circumstances. Such persons are good friend, successful coordinator, artist and art directors.
The practical zone of the persons, having oblong round face, is very wide, which represents the qualities of thinking, capacity of taking decision and farsightedness. Therefore, such persons use their practical wisdom to polish up their art and establish themselves in the society; as a result they become successful.

The vices such as amorousness, attraction for opposite sex etc. are on lower side on account of being the basic zone contracted.
3. Broad Round Face : The body becomes bulky because of widening the round face. Broad round face is the sign of physical deformity, overweight, hyper activity of thyroid gland or pathological disorder of other metabolic mechanism. Such form of the face is the result of diseases such as malfunctioning of kidney and inflammation on the organs. Such persons are dispassionate, diseased and mentally inactive.