Shiva’s furious form is named Rudra. Rudra was a creator as well as a destroyer. Once, the gods and the sages prayed to Rudra, “O Lord, the demons are creating obstacles whenever we hold any holy ritual. Please create someone who can destroy these obstacle creators.” Rudra gave rise to Vinayak through his mouth and innumerable Vinayaks from his body pores. The creation of innumerable Vinayaks raised confusion among the gods and the sages. They could not decide whom they should regard as the leader. Brahma announced that the Vinayak who rose from the mouth of Rudra would be the leader of all the other Vinayaks. The sages asked, “O Brahma, then what will the other Vinayaks be called?” Brahma said, “They will be called the ganas and the leader will be known as Ganpati.” Vinayak was anointed by all the gods and the sages. The day Vinayak was born is celebrated as Ganesha Chaturthi.
Rudra Creates Vinayak