Calls For Martyrdom
Broadcast by Iraqi Satellite Channel TV,
4 April 2003

In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. “And fight them on until there is no more tumult.” [Koranic verse]
O great people, O men of our valiant armed forces, O Iraqi young men, O Mujaheedin, who carry the honour and trust of the weapons of Jihad; O glorious women in your beloved, dear Baghdad, which is glorious with its people: God’s peace and blessings be upon you.
The enemy, O beloved ones, is trying in vain and disappointment to confuse your steadfastness and heroic confrontation against him. Therefore, the enemy has started to cross the armed forces’ defence lines around Baghdad and around other Iraqi cities.
He avoids any clash with these lines. Or he sometimes tests them. If he finds these lines steadfast and strong, with the will of God as they really are, he avoids any clash with them. Instead, he goes around them and makes a landing here or there as we had expected before. In most cases, the landing or movement is on roads in small numbers of vehicles and evil soldiers. They can be resisted and destroyed by you with the weapons you have.
You probably remember the gallant Iraqi peasant who shot down a US Apache using an old weapon, the (Barnow). Strike at your enemy strongly. Strike at your enemy with your strong faith wherever he comes close to you.
Resist him – O people of Baghdad, the steadfast and glorious city – whenever your enemy comes close to you and dares to attack your beloved city after relying on God, the Omnipotent Almighty. Defend your principles, nationalism, honour of men and women and faith, as well as the honour of pledge and promise.
Their dead will be in hell. Their survivors will be shrouded in disgrace. Our martyrs will be in paradise. Our survivors will be granted glory and pride.
You – O dear ones, O people of Baghdad and people of Iraq – are the banner of faith and glory. God willing, you will be victorious. God willing, they will be defeated, losers and cursed.
God is Great; pride be to God and victory be to Iraq. God is Great. Long live our nation; long live Iraq; long live Iraq; long live Palestine. Come to Jihad.
Their dead will be in hell. Their survivors will be shrouded in disgrace. Our martyrs will be in paradise. Our survivors will be granted glory and pride.
May God, the Merciful and Compassionate, grant you – O Iraqi men and glorious women, the people of Baghdad and the people of Iraq – His glory and satisfaction.
God is Great, God is Great. Accursed be the criminals.