The main purpose of this experiment is to observe the effect that colour has on the amount of radiation that an object absorbs.
Things Required:
100-watt light source
Black construction paper
Aluminium foil
2 outdoor thermometers
Fold the black construction paper over the thermometer as shown and staple the sides. Fold a piece of aluminium foil over the second thermometer. Fold the sides of the foil as shown to secure them. Record the temperature on both thermometers. Place the light source about one foot above the pouches with the thermometers. Turn the light on and observe the temperature readings for 10 minutes.
This Is What Happens:
The temperature reading is higher on the thermometer in the black pouch.
Science Behind It:
Black objects absorb all of the light waves. Since none of the waves of light are reflected back to the viewer, the object looks black. This absorption of the waves of energy causes the temperature of the object to rise. The aluminium foil does not absorb very many of the light waves; thus, its temperature is lower. Spring and summer clothes are usually light in colour, so the wearer stays cooler.