Samuel and Bobby


Samuel’s friend Bobby was a rich and spoiled child. He usually brought expensive new planes and cars to show off in front of his friends. Bobby allowed them to play with his expensive toys only if in return they did whatever he told them to. One day, Bobby brought a shiny new remote-controlled car and showed it to Samuel. Samuel was awe-struck! He was ready to do anything to play with the car. “I’ll let you play with the remote-controlled car only if you go to the house next door and throw vegetable peels over their car. That man yelled at me, this morning,” said Bobby. Samuel did what Bobby said. But Samuel’s elder brother saw him and said, “What you did today was wrong. You were greedy and wanted to play with the car. If you do the wrong thing because of greed, you will always feel guilty.” Samuel felt ashamed and was never taken in by Bobby’s temptations.

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