Sand Painting (Science Experiments)

Materials Required:
l Coffee can with plastic lid
l Hammer
l Small nail
l String
l Sand
l Large sheet of paper
The help of one of your parents


  1. Ask one of your parents to punch a hole in the bottom of the coffee can with a hammer and a small nail, then make 3 equally spaced holes around the top edge of the can.
  2. Tie a piece of string, approximately 6 inches long, through each hole, and knot the ends together at the top. Tie a long piece of string to this knot and hang the can from a low tree branch. The bottom of the can should be an inch or two above the ground.
  3. Cover the bottom of the can with the plastic lid and fill the can with clean, dry sand.
  4. Spread a large sheet of paper on the ground. Remove the plastic lid and give the can a push. You will see a unique sand pattern form in front of you.

This Is What Happens:
You have just made a pendulum. Its action is traced by the escaping sand. The two parts of the swinging motion—vertical and horizontal—are combined into the pattern that you see on the paper.

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