Santa Claus Does not Forget

Roger had a habit of forgetting. No matter how important, his answer always was, “I forgot.” Now, Christmas was near. Roger made a list of things which Santa Claus would bring. Finally, Christmas morning came. Roger checked his stocking. But he was shocked. It held a list longer than the one he had made. Disappointed, he put it in his mother’s hand. His mother opened the list. It was a list of all the errands Roger had been asked to do for six months. At the end was written, ‘I FORGOT’. Roger kept sulking. Later, they all went to grandpa’s house. It was very strange to Roger, but on grandpa’s Christmas tree he found everything he had written on his list. So, was he cured of his bad habit? No. But when his mother saw that he was not heeding, she would say, “Remember, Santa Claus does not forget.”

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