Nana Sahib consigned Tantya Tope the charge of management to fetch the British to Paryag. For this purpose Tantya Tope got hired forty boats. All boats were covered and full of food grains.
Next day the British reached at Chaura Ghat. Tantya alluded boats to leave the bank by waving his hand. At the very moment someone played on mutiny bugle. By that boatmen confused and started jumping out of boats. British who were travelling alongwith Tayson fired at running boatsmen.

There was rush at the Ghat. Mutinous soldiers and public gathered there to see British escape. There was hatred and enimity in public hearts against the British.
Riders proceeded forward. Guns blustered and numerous British were killed.
At that time Nana Sahib was in Swada mansion when he heared the sound of firing. He got worried. At the same meoment a rider had reached there, he informed that British are being murdered at the Ghat. He sent order through the same rider that British ladies and children should not be touched.
The result of his order was that 125 British ladies could be saved.
In this murder case a boat left safe. Colnoel Tomus Moor and Delifas were sitting in that boat. Infact this boat had surpassed others and was at a distance. It was overtaken and several British were killed. Only four left alive one of them was Colnoel Tomson.
End of British reign in Kanpur
At the very moment British power was abolished from Kanpur.
On June 28, 1857 a royal court was held in Kanpur in which honourable persons and soldiers participated.
In addition alongwith green flag of revolution, the red brown flag of Nana Sahib too hoisted in the city.
Later on 1st of July 1857 Nana Sahib was coronated at his palace in Brhmavart according to Vedic tradition.
Royal crown was adorned over his head. On this occasion entire Kanpur and Brhamavart was enlighted.
Nana Sahib’s dream of transmigration of Peshwaism too fulfilled with it.
North India was in flames of revolution. From most of the places the British fled, but it was not such that British had frightend.
The time when celebrations was taking place news reached to Nana Sahib that British armies are advancing from Paryag towards Kanpur.
All celebrations were stopped by the order of Nana Sahib at the same moment and he set out for Kanpur to get ready for war.
On 9th July Nana Sahib despatched a division for Fatehpur which consisted of 3000 soldiers, 500 horse riders, 12 cannons.
This time British armies were advancing with full amnuiation. Resulting British army supressed revolutionary forces. Although revolution army fought bravely, but this time British commanders were intelligent, well trained and proficient in militarism. Jawala Parsad in Fatehpur and Baba Sahib in Kanpur had to face defeat. Not this much Nana Sahib in Ahirwan was too overcome and he had to escape with Tantya Tope and his relatives from Brahamvart.
When queen Hazrat Mahal of Avadh came to know that Nana Sahib is on way she sent king Jamal to welcome him. He escorted him with honour. After that soon he returned to Fatehpur Chaurasi and made it the centre of future activities.