The curse of Ganesha has immense power. The moon on the fourth day of the bright fortnight in the month of Bhadrapad was cursed by Lord Ganesha. Hence, it was inauspicious to look at the moon on that night. An incident took place in the city of Dwarka, the abode of Lord Krishna. A Yadav nobleman named Satrajit was an ardent devotee of Surya (the Sun-god). He worshipped Surya regularly. Surya was pleased with his devotion and gifted him a divine jewel named Syamantak. The Syamantak gem was a bright ruby that sparkled like the sun itself. Surya told Satrajit that the gem had an extraordinary power of producing 1.5 tonnes of gold daily. He instructed him to wear it around his neck. With the help of the gem, Satrajit soon became prosperous. When Yadav chief Ugrasen saw the gem, he ordered Satrajit to hand it over to him. He said, “Satrajit, hand over this gem to me. This is Krishna’s order.” But Satrajit refused to do so.
Satrajit and the Syamantak Gem