Sage Narada advised Satyabhama, “Make a vow that you will hand over Lord Krishna as alms (Daan) to me. But I will allow you to trade him in for an equivalent weight of your riches. Seeing that you are willing to trade in your wealth for Him, Lord Krishna will admire you for your sacrifice and will keep you close to him. But I do not know if your wealth will suffice to balance out Krishna’s weight.” Proud as ever, Satyabhama said angrily, “I am the daughter of Satrajit. My wealth is limitless. I am sure that I have enough to balance Lord Krishna. We will carry on with this plan of yours.” Then, she rushed to Krishna and hurriedly told Him about her unfortunate vow to Narada. Krishna patiently listened to her and nodded His head. Actually, she felt possessive of Krishna and wanted Him all for herself. So, He decided to teach her a lesson.
Satyabhama’s Vow