Satyavati’s Anxiety

Satyavati was very worried that one heir would be born blind and the other pale. She had seen both her sons die when they were young. It was necessary that the successor to Shantanu should be a strong and capable warrior and leader. So, she sent Ambalika once more to Vyasa. But the frightened Ambalika, instead of going herself, sent her maid to him. The maid respected the sage and served him with humility and reverence. Vyasa, therefore, blessed her with a wise and intelligent son, who, he said would become an able minister of the kingdom of Hastinapura. He would be able to guide the king in all matters of state and worldly affairs. This was Vidura. The three boys grew up together in the palace, and were taught all the arts required of princes. Vidura’s birth in the house of the Kuru’s was connected with his past life.

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