Save The Aliens

It’s another slow boring day at your intergalactic research office in the year 6391 — that is, until your humanoid assistant (H63h95) walks in to tell you that for the first time in humanoid history there is proof of extra terrestrial life. Some old computers have successfully detected a signal from the distraught inhabitants of a planet orbiting what earthlings have called Proxima Centauri (the closest star after the sun). The signal, once decoded, reads: “HELP HELP Big Meteor to destroy our planet in

87645 days HELP HELP” H63h95 has done his homework and his calculations show that 87645 Centaurian days are equivalent to 1.7 earth years. Now, you have the technology to track the meteor, explode it and save the Centaurians. You assume the Centaurians are nice and honest creatures. (Judging by their rudimentary code, their technology is too basic to destroy a meteor, to destroy the earth, or to wickedly destroy you wickedly at your arrival). You know that meeting these thankful aliens would be great for humankind, and even better for your almost bankrupt organization (which would get a lot of funding after the encounter). As of now, you have just enough money to make the trip to and from the Centaurian system. In your smashing Wormhole-Traveller, you’d be there in less than 3 months, ready to save their world, and get your picture taken.
While you consider all this H63h95 goes on and on—you cut him off. You’ve already made your decision about going or not.
What did you decide?

You decided not to go.
Centauri is 4.2 light years away and so the signal was sent 4.2 years ago… which means that the Centaurians have long been destroyed (about 1.2 years ago) and you don’t want to spend all your money in order to see debris only.

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