Seed Bombs (61 Near Nature Experiments)

You will need:

  1. Compost
  2. Clay from the garden or red pottery clay
  3. Seeds (of different flowers)
  4. Bucket or small plastic container
  5. Water
  6. Small scoop
  7. Rubber gloves

Seed bombs are not actual bombs, but are a rage all over the world today. Create your own seed bombs to fill up your backyard or garden with flowers.


  1. Take a bucket or small plastic container and add a
    small handful of seeds into it.
  2. Next, put 3 scoops of compost into the seeds and mix well.
  3. Add 5 scoops of clay to this mixture and continue mixing.
  4. Add 2 scoops of water into this so that the mixture may come together
    to form a dough and may not be wet.
  5. Blend the ingredients together and start shaping them into small balls.
    Remember to wear rubber gloves before making balls. The balls should
    not be bigger than golf balls. About 2-4 inches seed bombs work well.
  6. Leave these ‘bombs’ out in the sun to dry for 24 hours.
  7. Once they are dry, use the seed bombs within a span of 2 days.
  8. Toss the bombs into the garden wherever you wish to grow flowers.


A concept which was initially used by the Native Americans and Japanese, seed bombs are now used world-wide for growing flowers. Water these seed bombs and see how quickly your flowers grow on account of the clay and compost mixture.

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