Vibheeshana was terribly hurt at being considered a traitor. For him right conduct was essential in every field of life. He left to submit himself to Sri Rama’s service. When the vanara sena saw him coming, they wished to kill him. Vibheeshana bowed to Rama and explained that he had been unable to bring his brother to the right path, so he had left him. He sought shelter with Sri Rama. The vanaras, including Sugreeva, Angad and even Jambavan, were suspicious about Vibheeshana’s sincerity. They felt he might be a spy. When Rama asked Hanuman’s opinion, Hanuman said Sri Ram already knew everything. Even if Vibheeshana wanted to be king of Lanka, it was justified that Lanka should have a righteous king. Besides, he would be a useful ally. Rama took Hanuman’s advice because Vibheeshana had come to seek refuge and Rama never turned away anyone who came to him.
Seeking Shelter