Seeta’s Abduction

As soon as Lakshmana left, Ravana who had been hiding near by, transformed himself into an ascetic (mendicant). Chanting shlokas from scriptures and holding out his bowl for alms, he came up to the hut. He called out for alms. It was customary for the lady of the house to give food in alms to mendicants. So, Seeta came out with fruits and roots to offer them to the saintly mendicant at her door. Ravana was completely bewitched by her beauty. But he dared not step beyond the lakshmana-rekha. The mendicant told her that it was not correct to give alms across the lakshmana-rekha. He would accept alms from her only if she gave them to him with dignity. Hesitantly, Seeta stepped across the lakshmana-rekha. Ravana pounced on her and grabbing her wrist, changed into his original form. Seeta screamed, but Rama and Lakshmana were too far away to hear.

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