The armies drew up opposite each other at Kurukshetra. Arjuna was seated on his chariot and as per word Krishna was his charioteer. To everyone’s surprise, Yudhishthira took off his armour and walked to the enemy side. He went over to Bhishma, Drona, Kripacharya and his uncle Shalya, and sought their blessings before returning to his chariot and putting on his armour again.
Suddenly, seeing all his elders, preceptors and relatives lined up in the battlefield opposite him, Arjuna suffered great agony of mind and heart. How could he attack, let alone kill, all these people who were his own kith and kin? He was ready to give up even before the battle.
So, Krishna delivered the sermon of Karmayoga and Gyanyoga to Arjuna thus, “O Arjuna! Without hoping for fruit doing deeds is excellent. You are not the doer; I am the doer. Knowing this when you fight, you will not suffer the agony of mind and heart. You will not get attached to your kith and kin while standing against them in the battlefield.”
This sermon delivered by Krishna is popularly called ‘Shrimadbhagwad Gita’ (Divine Song).