Seven brothers lived together in a house.
Six of them worked hard but the youngest was always lazy.
His brothers were not at all pleased with him.
They advised him many times to do some useful work, but he did not do anything.
He just ate, slept, and wandered about.
One day, the eldest brother was very angry with his lazy young brother.
He told his wife not to give him any food when he came home that evening.
Answer the folllowing questions
1 How many brothers lived in a house?
(a) five (b) six (c) seven (d) eight
2 Who among them was lazy?
(a) fourth brother (b) first brother (c) youngest brother (d) eldest brother
3 The eldest brother was __ with his lazy young brother.
(a) pleased (b) happy (c) angry (d) annoyed
4 Whom did the eldest brother tell not to give food to the youngest brother?
(a) his wife (b) his mother (c) his father (d) his cousins
5 Give the gender of ‘wife’.

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