Once, Sheikh Chilli fell unconscious in the street during his visit to his in-laws’ house. He had come to pick up Fawzia. He was brought home and looked after. The family was very happy when he regained consciousness. As advised by his mother, Sheikh bent and touched all elders’ feet. When he remembered the box of sweets, he looked around for it. He was told that the sweets had fallen on the ground where he had been found. Sheikh started crying loudly. He was consoled only when the in-laws pretended to receive an imaginary box from his hands. Sheikh was served a lavish dinner that night. Remembering his mother’s words of advice, he thanked the in-laws after eating each morsel of food, irritating them. Then, a decked-up and bejewelled Fawzia entered. He suddenly remembered Aunt Fatima’s tale of the demoness gobbling young men in a bride’s disguise. Sheikh ran away from the ‘demoness’ as fast as his feet would take him! He ran all the way back home.
Sheikh Chilli Irritates In-Laws