Once upon a time, a little girl named Sherry lived in a small village with her mother. They were very poor. One fine day, Sherry was collecting firewood. Just then, an old lady appeared and asked her for something to eat. Sherry immediately gave her share of food to the old lady. The old lady thanked Sherry and gave her a wicker flower basket. She said, “Take it home and you will always be happy.” The old lady was a fairy and the wicker flower basket was magical. Sherry took the wicker flower basket home and covered it with a piece of cloth. The next morning, Sherry woke up and lifted the cloth. Behold! Sherry instead found a golden casket filled with gold coins and jewels. Sherry was very happy and told her mother what had happened. She now understood that it pays to be generous. Sherry and her mother were never poor again.
Sherry’s Wicker Flower Basket