Sick Hailey

Once, there lived a little girl named Hailey. She had many friends. Sadly, she felt sick on Christmas. She could not go out to enjoy with her friends now. Hailey did not have the energy to even get up and walk. But when her friends came to know about her illness, they came to her house. They brought beautiful gifts, flowers and books for her. Some of them even sat at her bedside and read out stories to her. They also brought a small Christmas tree for her. Then, they put up a play for her showing the birth of the Baby Jesus. Hailey already started feeling better. Later, they had the plum cake and other tasty treats. After a few days, she could get up and sit on her bed. Soon, Hailey’s health improved. She thanked her friends, for it was because of their help that she got better. It is good to have friends!

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