Sidi Nouman

After hearing the story of the blind man and the dervish, the Caliph enquired the horse-beater, Sidi Nouman, for his cruel behaviour, who defended him-self with a reason.

Sidi Nouman had married Amina, who, though was beautiful yet held a strange habit of eating rice with a needle. One night, she got dressed up and went out quietly. On following her discreetly, Sidi Nouman was aghast to find her eating the flesh of the dead body with ghoul (human flesh eating demons) in a graveyard. Thereafter, she returned home and slept silently.

When later he confronted her on her horrifying flesh eating habit, she got furious and turned him into a dog through her magic. He was gravely beaten up by Amina several times a day as a dog subsequently. One day, he ran away from the house into the streets. Fortunately, one fine day a woman recognized him and turned him to man again with the help of her magician daughter.

After hearing from him, she gave him some water to sprinkle on Amina to punish her. Amina turned into a horse the Caliph saw. The Caliph advised it would be better to make her remain a horse forever.

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