“Billy is a good boy,” said his teacher, Miss Williams, “The only trouble with him is that he daydreams in the class all the time! So, he doesn’t hear what the teacher is saying and makes silly mistakes.”
Billy’s mother looked at him and they went off home.
“Now, Billy, you must stop daydreaming and pay attention in the class,” said his mother, “Otherwise, I shall be very unhappy.”
Billy was very fond of his mother and didn’t want her to be unhappy at all. But he couldn’t help daydreaming. He read so many story books that his mind was always on an imaginary adventure. So he never saw or heard anything that was going on around him!
One day, Billy found an old lamp in the attic. He had read the story of Aladdin and the magic lamp. He thought he should try out this lamp. Perhaps it would have some magic in it.
So, he brought it down and gave it a rub. There was a small sound and a swirl of smoke. Suddenly, there was a little old lady standing in front of him wearing a red hat with a blue ribbon on it, and a bright yellow gown. She was carrying a basket with a puppy in it and a small stick.

“Hello, Billy,” she said.
“You’re not a genie! Who are you?” asked Billy.
“I am some kind of a genie, my dear. I don’t come from the land of Aladdin; that’s all. Now tell me what you want,” she said. “I don’t know what to ask for, but I want something that makes my mother feel happy. She’s unhappy because I daydream, and that makes me mix up my lessons!”
“I know what you want. Take this puppy now. You have to look after him properly. We always pay attention when there’s someone we are responsible for!” she said sternly, giving him the basket.
Billy took the basket. When he took the puppy out, he loved him!
It was a small white ball of fur with brown patch on his back, a brown tip to his tail and one brown ear and eye. He looked like a little pirate.

“That’s what I’ll call you,” said Billy, “Pirate!” Billy took the puppy to his mother. She allowed him to keep Pirate. Billy was not silly any more. He took care of Pirate, so he had become a very sensible boy. Now the teacher said “Children, I wish you were all caring and attentive like Billy!”