Simeon and Anna

Forty days after the birth of Jesus, Joseph and Mary took him to the Temple of the Lord in Jerusalem. There, they met a man named Simeon. He was a devout of God. He anxiously awaited the coming of the Messiah. The day the Baby Jesus was brought to the Temple, Simeon too felt inspired to go to the Temple. When he saw the child, he took Jesus in his arms and said, “Lord, let Your servant go in peace, for I have seen salvation.” Joseph and Mary were amazed. Then, he told Mary, “The child will be the cause of salvation or ruin of many people of Israel. And you Mary, a sword will pierce your soul.” With these mysterious words, Simeon left. Now, in the Temple lived a widow, great in age. Her name was Anna. She too like Simeon praised the Lord on seeing the child.

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