After Rama’s coronation, there were rumours and gossips all around Ayodhya. People had started questioning Sita’s fidelity. Rama was the king of Ayodhya. So, his first job was to serve his kingdom. Taking care of their happiness was his duty. So, he decided to banish pious Sita because he wanted to avoid any chaos in Ayodhya. The same people who were questioning Sita’s fidelity would have questioned Rama’s devotion as a king saying that he gave his wife more importance than his kingdom. The peace of whole kingdom could have been destroyed easily. Hence banishing Sita was the only option left with him. Lord Rama asked Laxman to take Sita deep into the forest and leave her there to live. Laxman unwillingly followed Rama’s instructions. Although Sita was left in the forest without food or shelter yet, sage Valmiki came and took her to his ashram. It was in his ashram that she gave birth to her two sons who were named Luva and Kusha. She started staying with her sons in a hermitage in the sage’s ashram. Sita did suffer but Rama also did because both loved each other. So, the pain of separation was equal to both of them.