44. Smoking, Alcoholism & Drug Addiction

Some people start smoking, drinking and taking certain narcotic drugs and feel peace and relief because they are unable to bear tensions and can not solve the problems of their life. This becomes their habit and they are addicted to these.
Thus addiction is defined as a physical and mental dependence on any of these and get tiny temporary relief and pleasure. These can be divided as follows—
Smoking of tobacco (dried and cured leaves of plant) in the form of cigars, cigaretters, bidis etc. is highly toxic to the body. There are more than 300 compounds which are present in the smoke of tobacco. The main harmful compounds are nicotine, CO, HCN, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, certain other stimulating products etc. A very small amount of nicotine which goes in the blood by smoking stimulates the nervous system.
Effect of nicotine
1. Nerve impulses get stimulated.
2. Relaxation of muscles.
3. Releases the adrenalin.
4. Heartbeat increases.
5. Decrease in the weight and embryo growth in pregnant ladies takes place.
Diseases caused by smoking :
1. Lung cancer
2. Bronchitis : Swelling in respiratory tract and alveoli.
3. Emphysema : Deposition of cough (mucus) in the alveoli produces decrease in the oxygen absorption considerably and thus tension in the alveoli causes the coughing and cracks in the respiratory surface.
4. Heart disease : Increase in blood pressure due to the narrowing of Lumen and blood vessels.
5. Intestinal ulcer
Alcohol and Alcoholism
Ethyl alcohol is consumed as fermented beverages with low content of alcohol (beer, wine, toddy) and as distilled beverages with a relatively high alcohol percentage (arrack, brandy, rum, whisky, gin, vodka). This alcohol in the beverages is rapidly absorbed from the wall of stomach. It enters the bloodstream within minutes of ingestion. In the liver alcohol is converted into more toxic substance acetaldehyde.
Drinking of alcohol bevegrages has become a social custom and a social evil now-a-days.
Effects of alcohol drinking
1. Control and co-ordination of the body is affected badly.
2. Blood sugar level decreases.
3. Effects on liver : The liver in the body is affected by alcohol. Excess alcohol in the blood cause increase in the synthesis of fat which is deposited in the liver cells and bile ducts. This causes the destruction of protein and glycogen synthesis. This gives out the fatty liver syndrome. The further stages of this cause liver cirrhosis and bilary cirrhosis diseases which are the main causes of death.
4. Amnesia : Loss of memory is caused by drinking.
5. Addiction of alcohol loses the body co-ordination permanently. If alcohol is not available then the vibration in the body can be noticed.
6. Causes the stomach inflammation which is well-known as gastritis. In chronic cases the gastric ulcers usually develop.
7. Disease resistance is reduced.
8. Affects the family and community very badly.
9. Drunken drivers cause more automobile accidents as alcohol affects judgement, co-ordination, alertness, vision and increases reaction time.
Drug Addiction
The compounds used for the cure of diseases are known as drugs. Certain drugs are given for the fulfilment of deficient elements whereas certain drugs are given for the cure of infection. The specific category for drugs are nerve stimulants and nerve depressants. Some drugs function as sedative and some other act as hallucination.
The regular use of last two categories of drugs causes the drug addiction in humans and they become habitual of these drugs. Drugs such as aspirin and antihistamines when taken with alcohol may have dangerous effects including death.
Reasons of drug addiction
1. Company with drug addicts.
2. Curiosity.
3. Family habit.
4. Excitement.
5. To overcome frustrations and depressions.
6. Looking for different world.
7. Desire to do more work or to study more.
8. Relief from pain.
9. Insecurity among students.
Drugs producing addiction
(i) Sedatives and tranquillizers (depressant) : Benzodiazephines (e.g. valium, barbiturates). This depresses brain activity and produces feelings of calmness, relaxation, drowsiness and deep sleep.
(ii) Opiate narcotics : Opium, morphine, heroin, ethidine, methadone. These reduce brain function and cause liver intense pain.
(iii) Stimulants : Caffeine (very mild), amphetamines, cocaine. These stimulate the nervous system; make a person more wakeful, increase alertness and activity, produce excitement.
(iv) Hallucinogens : Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), mescaline, psilocybin, products of the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa)—charas, bhang, ganja, marijuana, hashish, etc. are hallucinogens. These change thought, feelings and perceptions. Among these LSD is most potent. This drug causes chronic psychosis and severe damage to the central nervous system.
Now-a-days, people use more narcotics and hallucinogens. Methods to control drug addiction are being developed by the experts.

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