Some unforgettable remembrances

In the life of Babuji many interesting events occurred in which we find the glimpse of his broad mindedness, softness, kindness and simplicity. Let us have a look at some.
When seek apology from
A servant
During a foreign tour he was presented a pen and an ink-pot made of elephant-teeth, which he liked much. Mostly he used to use the same in his writing work.
He had a servant in his house, named Tulsi. He was dear to Babuji. He used to do a large part of Babuji’s work.
Once cleaning the Babuji’s room somehow the pen fell down and broke. The precious carpet also got spoiled by ink.

When Rajendra Babu came to office he found the pen broken. He at once understood that it was due to the carelessness of Tulsi.
Annoyingly he called his secretary and ordered to sack such a careless man.
Secretary obeyed the order immediately and put him at some other job in President House. It means he was removed from the personal service.
That day Rajendra Babu carried his work on, met the guests, but he was feeling sad in his heart. Reason, removal of Tulsi from his personal service.
After a thought he said to his attendant, “Call Tulsi.”
Tulsi was called in.
Seeing him Rajendra Babu got up off chair, hold his hands and said, “Tulsi! Please forgive me.”
Tulsi realized as if he had fallen from the sky. He could not follow what is it happening.
He said, “What are you doing Babuji. Please do not say like this, you are so kind, you are our benefactor. I am here at your disposal only.’’
Rajendra Babu said, “Return to your duty, then only I will be satisfied.”
And Tulsi atonce obeyed his order.
Such was Babu Rajendra Prasad.
When a boy take a test
This event happened in Sadakat Ashram.
Boys were taught in this Ashram as well, and usually Rajendra Babu performed this duty.
Once he was advising that the person who works hard should possess the first right over earning. The person who plants a tree has the right to eat its fruit, and who behave opposite to it and do not accord his right, he is deceptive and absorbent.
All boys sitting calmly were listening the elucidation of Babuji. Each and every words was setting in their brains.
A newly enrolled student was also sitting among those students. He realized that all these discourses are useless. People are not such in behaviour and even Rajendra Babu might not follow it.
He thought Babuji was one among those who say something and do some thing else. Ergo, he supposed in his mind that he will test his Guru and see does the hard working person posses the first right in reality.
It was a daily routine of Rajendra Babu to took bath in morning. A student used to bring a neem tooth brush for him. Next day that new boy took this responsibility to do this work.
He reached Rajendra Babu with two tooth brushes. One tooth brush was uneven and the second one was neat as it was to be. Seeing two tooth brushes Rajendra Babu look at the boy.
Producing the neat truth brush towards him he said, “You please have this one. The second I shall utilize.”
But Rajendra Babu smilingly took the uneven tooth brush from his hand and said, “You have worked hard, hence you posses the right at the better tooth brush, not mine.”
The boy made much efforts to handle him the better tooth brush but Rajendra Babu didn’t took that. For sometime the boy stood silent, then suddenly he started weeping.
Rajendra Babu couldn’t understand anything. Then fondling the boy he asked the reason for his weeping. But the boy couldn’t utter a word.
After some time he fell on his feet and said, ‘‘Please forgive me. Today I have done a big offence that I test my God alike Guru.’’
Saying so and sobbing the boy narrated him the entire tale. Listening it Rajendra Babu laughed loudly and said, “What was the need to weep that much for it? If you put me, a test on so what? At least you believed in my teachings. It proves that you are wise and most intelligent.”
God fearing
Mr. Samshul Huda was a famous advocate in those days. Later he became a judge in Patna high court. He was also the President of Legislative Council. He was awarded title of Sir by the British govt. He was gentle, merciful and a sentimental person. In court judges and clients respected him much.
Being a religious nature he used to award scholarships to Muslim students. In those days Rajendra Babu was residing in his house for practising his advocacy. In same duration there came the festival of Eid. That entire colony was of Muslims, only a few houses were of Hindus.
Rajendra Babu imagined that probably in his house or nearby cow will be sacrificed. He was devoted Hindu. Ergo, he supposed that I should live somewhere else for few days. Hence silently he took his some daily wears and without informing Huda started living in a mess with his friends.
After few days when the celebrations were over he returned back.
Mr. Samshul Huda asked him where he was. Babuji narrated him the true story. But Mrs. Huda was an experienced and intelligent person. He said, “I thought it sight that due to Eid you went off. You might have thought that the cow will be sacrificed here, so you should not live here. Isn’t it?”
What Babuji could reply. He kept silence.
Mr. Huda said, “You have done an injustice to me. How you thought that I would not care for your feelings. Not only you, there are several other Hindu servants in my house as well Gardner is a Hindu, the person who takes care of cow he too is Hindu. How can I sacrifice a cow in front of them?”
motive towards south
Rajendra Babu saw entire country with one vision. After becoming President this motive diffused more. Being capital of India in north he thought that this northern capital should be rejoined with south so that southern welfare might be taken care of.
Under this feeling he decided that in south as well there should be a residence for President. For this he selected Hyderabad. ‘Rashtrapati Niliyam’ was constructed there. Along it this was also negotiated that President will reside there for a month in a year and will be in touch of southern states. Gasping their problems he will assist the govt. in solving them. So that southern people might not took themselves away from Delhi and by this link of north and south nation might be strengthened.
Such was our Babu Rajendra Prasad.

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