Something Smells (61 Brilliant Biology Experiments)

You will need:

  1. Blindfolds
  2. 5 edible items with different smells (coffee, tea, cheese, onion, apple, etc.)
  3. 5 inedible items with different smells (scented candle, rose, mothballs, soap, talcum powder, etc.)
  4. 10 containers

Play a fun game with your friends and find out who has the capabilities to become a smell scientist!


  1. Place each item you have in one container, and hide the containers from your friends.
  2. Make a list of your friends’ names to keep a tab on who gets what right.
  3. Blindfold all your friends, and one by one ask him to smell the object in the container and guess what it is and whether it is
    edible or not.
  4. Do not let them eat anything.


You will be surprised to find out, that even amongst your friends there will be some with a much keener sense of smell than the others. While some can guess what a particular smell is, others might not be able to do so. But every human being has a sense of smell because of the 5-6 million yellow cells which together make up two small odour-detecting patches up in the nasal passages. Why one person’s sense of smell is better than another depends on various factors, including age, gender, etc.

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