Spangled Cotinga

The Cotinga cayana (scientific name) or spangled cotinga is only found in the Amazon rainforests of South America. 5.9 inches in height, the spangled cotinga is sexually dimorphic. The male is bright turquoise-blue, with a deep wine coloured throat. The wing feathers, as also the crest part of its head, are a darker midnight blue. The female, on the other hand, is dull brown-grey in colour, with speckles on the underparts. These birds are fruit eaters, but are also known to eat insects. The clutch has only 1 egg, incubated for 20 days approximately. Because of its bright and colourful plumage, many of these birds are hunted for their feathers and also to make fishing flies. Its IUCN listing is the LEAST CONCERN.

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