The purpose of this experiment is to observe the separation of colours in ink.
Things Required:
Green and black water-soluble pens
Coffee filter
Paper clip
Fold the coffee filter in half. Fold it in half again. Make a dark green mark about one inch from the rounded edge of the folded filter. Make a second mark with the black marker about one inch from the rounded edge. The two marks are not to touch each other, but need to be on the same side. Secure the
edge of the filter with the paper clip so that a cone may be formed. Fill the saucer with water. Place the rounded edge of the cone in the water. Allow the paper to stand undisturbed for one hour.
This Is What Happens:
It takes about one hour for the colours to separate. A trail of blue, yellow, and purple is seen from the black mark, and the green mark produces a trail of blue and yellow.
Science Behind It:
Black and green are the combinations of other colours. As the water rises in the paper, the ink dissolves in it. Some of the colours rise to different heights depending on the weight of the chemicals producing the colour. The lighter weight chemicals move with the water to the top of the paper.