Sperm Whale


Common name : Spermacet whale, Cachelot, Pot whale

Scientific name : Physeter macrocephalus

Family : Physeteridae

Native to : Oceans worldwide

Interesting fact : Sperm whales are called so due to the massive organ in the forehead containing 900 litres of spermaceti, a wax-like liquid used in echolocation.

Conservation status : Vulnerable

The sperm whale is the largest of the toothed whales growing up to 20.5 metres long and weighing up to 57,000 kg. They have large, block-shaped heads, S-shaped blowholes and cone-shaped teeth. They can dive up to 2,250 metres staying submerged for 90 minutes. They feed on squid and octopuses. Lifespan is 60 years.

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